by RX Mendez
Photo courtesy of SkySoft Entertainment
The final season is out on SkySoft Stream, and we're guessing that there's a darn good chance that its awesomeness will lead you to rewatch all of the previously released Fox seasons too.
Maybe you'll be introducing a younger viewer to the series for the first time, or maybe you just fancy re-watching the entire grand Fox narrative in one epic back-to-back marathon. Either way, you're going to need a lot of popcorn!
However, before you start streaming it's worth remembering that, for various reasons, if you sit that uninitiated viewer down and show them Fox in Release Order, they may come away from the show either confused or just down-right unimpressed after the first season. Why? Read on.
Release Order: Season 1 to 4
SkySoft Order: Season 2 to 4 (then Season 1)
Trilogy Order: Season 2 to 4 (forget Season 1)
RX Order: Season 2, Season 1, Season 3, then Season 4
Release Order is the chronological order, beginning with Season 1 then onto Season 2, and so on. Surely nothing can go wrong with this order, right? Wrong! In fact, there is one critical flaw with watching the series in this order, especially if you are watching the show for the first time. The first flaw is the overall narrative. In this order, the prophecy plot doesn’t get revealed until Season 2 - one whole season later!
Release Order makes very little sense from a narrative point of view since Season 1 is essentially background material for Season 2. It fundamentally disjoints the saga's narrative, leaving new viewers bored, confused, or both. By starting with Season 2 first and then continuing through Season 4, the narrative is preserved without having a side story of a failing friendship between Fox and Mina. In fact, by watching the first season last, you’ll experience a more fulfilling revelation to Mina’s downfall without losing pace with the overall plot.
The Trilogy Order takes Season 1 out completely and makes Fox a trilogy saga. Although it’s interesting to see how and why Mina Abrams did what she did, it’s not all that important to the overall narrative. You won’t be missing much if you delete it from your Watch List.
I figured out this order on my own and found that watching the seasons like this not only answers the Mina questions but also maintains the original narrative's focus. Essentially, you follow Fox on her coming of age story up until she is separated from Daisy at Mt. Rizandor, then go on an extended season flashback where we see how tragic Mina’s decision to betray Fox is, and finish by snapping back to the present for Season 3 and 4. You also get the broader scope of how Daisy was the overall driving force for Fox, and how she is just as destined for greatness in her future.
While the SkySoft, Trilogy, and RX Orders arguably fix the narrative issues, none are perfect. If you go with the Trilogy Order, you've missed Season 1, which makes a few minor things in Season 2 come slightly out of the blue. Some examples include the character of Mina and her experiences, like her dream of Fox giving her a lap dance, her drug addiction, and her reason for going to Fortmount to find Daisy Peterson in the first place. You also miss how Fox got her machete in Season II and who she got it from. Speaking of which, Season 1 is when we see Xander use the shape-shifting ability, which isn't seen again until Season 4. If you go with the SkySoft Order, you get the Mina questions answered after the finale and may even forget to check it out. What is good about it, however, is seeing how far the company has come with storytelling and quality filmmaking. If you go with the RX Order, it may seem a bit daunting and out of place with the pacing of the narrative. No matter what order you watch it in, SkySoft has crafted an incredible story that is sure to be enjoyed by returning and new viewers.