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Your Favorite Shows Will Be Available For A Limited Time!

All SkySoft shows will no longer be streaming all year long starting February 20th. Instead, our shows will only be available for a limited time but will remain free. 

So, what does this mean? 

It means all our shows will return for a limited time but will no longer be available whenever but when they do return- they will remain for free.

Ok, when will my favorite show return? 

Here's our schedule for previous shows:


Previous seasons will return every July 1st
Season III will premiere on July 30th.


Previous seasons will return every November 10 

Great! So what about upcoming shows?

Our future greenlit shows like, the new Robin Hood series, Sherwood, will premiere in 2019 or 2020. Mutant 5 will premiere in 2019.

Why are you making your shows limited?

Our creators, actors, producers, writers, composers, cinematographers, artists and office heads, work seriously hard so you can watch our work. We all spend countless hours of our day trying to make content for you so you'd watch it. If our work is available whenever, it encourages people to push our shows to the side and "watch" it later. That hurts our feelings, sort of. With the new expiration date, viewers are more likely to rush to watch our shows rather than wait for a "better" time. If not, it won't really affect our views anyway because our viewers who rush to watch our shows- do once they premiere. We're good. 

Your shows will remain free?
For now. 

Nice! What should I do now?

If you or someone you know wants to watch one of our series before they hit the vault for a limited time, we suggest you watch our shows now. If you don't, there no need to stress about it! They will return.

How can I watch the shows?
You'd need to visit our website at . You can visit the site using a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device. Our site is Chrome friendly, as well. 

The site is acting up. I can't remember the URL. I don't like the set up of the site. That's too much work. Is there another way?

Thank you for the further interest and yes, there is another way:


The link above will send you straight to our Channel on Vimeo where you can watch our shows easily.

I don't have a Vimeo account.

Not many people do. You don't need an account to watch our shows. In fact, despite the low subscriber number, we get a lot of views via our website. Trust us, you don't need a Vimeo account.

Why Vimeo and not Youtube?

We're Vimeo fans.

How can I spread the news?
You can share this article on Facebook or Twitter. Make a post on Instagram. Make a video on SnapChat. That will help. Or you can simply do it 'old school' and tell people about the news. Your call. 

Thank you for understanding and enjoy our shows till February 20th!


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