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Kealoha Nakamura: Man of the Year

Earlier in the year, SkyWire’s Daniel Andrade had an interesting talk with Kealoha Nakamura, who played Davi in Season 3 of Fox, on a deeper level that ventured furthered into the actor’s thinking and methods. His conversation became our gain, however, and now you can get that inside look within the artist and what’s next for our first ‘Man of the Year’.

Daniel Andrade: Key, thank you so much for joining me here.

Kealoha Nakamura: Thanks for having me Daniel, I'm really excited to be here.

Let’s go ahead and get started. When we first meet Davi, at least from what we can see, it seems like he's getting picked on by his fellow Hacradians but by the end of the season, we see Davi as a great warrior who is very strong-willed, for better and for worse. Tell us a little bit about Davi's journey in season three and how he got from that point to his end point.

Well when he was being picked on by his fellow soldiers in his unit you can see that he's wearing the same mask that his unit leader is wearing, and that just kind of gives you an insight the Davi is actually being trained to be a new unit leader even though he’s so young. They see potential in him as a thinker and as a fighter. So I think that his unit is very jealous of him and he’s definitely a very by-the-book kind of guy, where there’s a definitive right and a definitive wrong, and that never really makes you a lot of friends. So it’s very common that he gets picked on by other people. What else was there?

So by the end of the season we see Davi as this strong, powerful warrior, and very strong-willed, so how did he get from that point to the endpoint?

I don't even think that there was too much of a character arch for Davi as in becoming a stronger warrior, I think it's more just learning more about him. It's almost revealing what was already there. if there is a character arc, it’s probably in the opposite direction, where he’s learning to let people in. He’s learning to get along with people that are not like him. He’s figuring out that the world is bigger than Hacradia.

That's true. I like that, it’s more like unpeeling those layers. He’s like an onion right, as Shrek would say? (laughs)  So, speaking of that warrior spirit, I personally really enjoyed your fight scenes. Every time I see them I always really just enjoy watching them, and they were especially pretty unique since you were fighting with your with your tonfas, or as I like to call them tonkas (laughs), a weapon that relies more on brute strength than more of like a sharp point. So tell us about what you did to prepare for those fight scenes and about your background and fight choreography.

Yeah, I appreciate that, thanks man! So I don't have too much experience in martial arts. I grew up playing sports my entire life, but I love to just like run and jump off of things and climb trees when I was a kid and I guess that never really went away. It was just all playing and watching like Jackie Chan growing up. That was huge for me, just to watch action and fighting. My brother and I would always play fight each other. And then as far as the tonfa go, I’m a really big fan of Japanese anime and manga. And every manga tries to stand out differently by giving a new weapon that's not very common or everyday, like a sword or a staff or something like that, those are kind of common weapons. Uncommon weapons I've seen are like fishing poles, umbrellas, like these weird things that you’d never think of, like yo-yo’s in one of them!


Yeah, and I just thought what's something that's still like a classic weapon, but isn't seen all the time? So I asked Hunter when I first met him if he had access to tonfa. From then I was just obsessed with figuring out different ways to spin them, different ways to use them. And he would send me videos, I would send him videos, and we’d just nerd out on all this fighting and stuff that we could do. And I just would be in my room, I'd have tonfa’s in each hand, and I would just look in the mirror and spin and spin them.

Just over and over!

Yeah, I would just get comfortable with the weight and the speed at which I could do it and I just wanted to make it look as smooth as possible. I mean you have to think about it from the character's perspective, he's probably been training with them... he said he's been training since he could walk, so they probably gave him weapons as soon as he could hold them, really.

Yeah that’s pretty exciting, that’s pretty cool! So, you know, one of the things about the character of Davi is that he doesn't really emote too much; oftentimes he’s a very serious, straight-faced person. But we do have those moments where we do see some of those emotions come out. So how are you able to portray these little emotional bursts while staying true to the overall character of Davi?

You know, it's funny, with acting, when you want to portray those things, you want to be very subtle with these emotions. Like, you don't have to pop your eyes to show that you're surprised, just like a little flinch shows that you weren't expecting something coming up. I think that's the same thing with Davi, and I don't know, maybe it made it easier having a character like Davi where if something were to surprise him, he has to maintain this stone-faced illusion that he was expecting it or he was prepared for it. And then internally just thinking about everything that is going on, trying to process it as Davi, my body responded naturally to what I was thinking. So I wasn't thinking about “I should play this moment like this, I should play this moment like that,” I just thought if “this is happening to Davi.” It's not a hypothetical, this situation is happening to Davi, and with that I immediately just kind of felt it. So it wasn’t a conscious decision, it was just reacting.

So you were just in the moment there?

Yeah I was very locked in.

Kind of along those lines, one of the things about Davi is he has that ability of those animalistic tendencies. As you know, every character that has this ability, it’s kind of portrayed or characterize through various different animals, so for Davi it’s characterized by a gorilla. So how do you think that particular animal connects with the character of Davi?

I think it’s pretty much everything. When I was talking to Monroe about creating this character, she told me that I had animalistic tendencies... Well, Davi had animalistic tendencies, I didn't have it (laughs). I was just kind of thinking “what kind of person is Davi”? He’s someone that’s very tight-knit in a group, so it has to be an animal that lives in a pack or herd or something like that. And then Davi’s fierce, he's a fighter. He's very strong-willed, and if he saw one of his own doing something wrong, he’d be willing to jump up and fight for what he believes is right. And that's a tough thing for a society that's so patriotic for their own country; what animals are willing to fight each other? So that was that. And then I thought about his weapons also; a lot of the weight lies in his fist.

Fox ©SkySoft Enterainment

Yeah, oh ok!

Yeah, so then you go and think about what other animals fight with their fists, aside from like kangaroos and stuff?

Ha, like a boxing kangaroo!

Yeah, so in the end it really just came down to looking at all these different personality traits and thinking about how his ability shapes his personality. It actually kind of came down to thinking about the color scheme too of his clothes.

Oh ok!

Yeah, he wears gray and black, and then I thought what other animals are gray and black, fight with their fists, live with family, all this stuff? It kind of pointed me in the direction of the gorilla.

Oh wow, ok! That’s pretty cool, I didn’t realize that deep extent of that connection. I like how you said about the whole working in a team, like a congregation of apes, and how that kind of matches with the gorilla. You know, speaking of that, I kind of asked Monroe a similar sort of question here, do you think Davi's animalistic tendencies have helped him more or burdened him more, or kind of a little bit of both?

Hmm.. You know, that's something that I think I'm going to reveal a little bit more of in season 4. You don’t even see Davi’s animalistic tendencies until the very end, when he’s like screaming it, these noises that are coming in and starting to scare him and back him into a corner. And you know, there's a lot of tension and there's a lot of fear that's going to be coming up in season four, just by the way we ended season three. With that stuff I think we're going to see Davi letting loose a little bit more because he's not so in control. And in that sense, I think you're going to see more of a burden.

 Interesting… So you're saying that it's almost a fear that if he lets loose a little bit, that's when it would really truly come out and he wouldn't really fully know how to control it or what it would be capable of

Exactly. He could be destructive with it. And you’ve already seen that without his ability, he's a fierce warrior, so with his ability, what is there that can happen?

Whoo… Well we’ll just have to wait and see huh? Haha! Alright, again kind of along similar lines of what I asked Monroe, is that one of the cool things about this season that most people tend to kind of connect with is this introduction of the Brotherhood, and these characters that are working together toward a common goal here, even if they have different intentions for why they’re helping. So how would you characterize Davi's relationship with Fox, first of all, and then afterwards, what is his relationship like with the rest of the Brotherhood?

So with Fox, he's kind of looking for a glimpse of hope. I don't know if you've watched The Last Airbender…

Of course, it’s one of my favorites!

So Prince Zuko, he looks at Ang as his chance for redemption, and that's kind of how Davi looks at Fox. He respects her, and he knows the myth surrounding who she is, so he's aware of the role that she plays. He has trouble getting along with everyone, but he knows that if he wants to go back home, this is the way to do it. So he probably sees them more as an opportunity, more than a family, for the first part anyways. As for Orasmin, they're about as opposite as you can be.

Hard as Orasmin tries. [laughs]

Yeah, exactly. Orasmin is very warm and friendly, and he wants to be very including of everybody, to the point where he would like to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush. But Davi is very straight-to-the-point, very blunt and can be very harsh with a lot of his words. Orasmin cares about everyone else's feelings, while Davi absolutely does not. Davis gone through very formal training, where Orasmin has been underground training one-on-one with an expert, so even that bit of it, I Davi respects Orasmin’s fighting ability, even though Orasmin actually knocked Davi out.

Haha, yeah!

Oron is just kind of there to Davi. He's just kind of like another piece that Davi can use in the future. He wouldn't necessarily say he likes Oron, but he's tolerable, more tolerable than everybody else. They definitely butt heads, you’ve seen they almost got into a fight at the end. They're different, but they respect one another. I think if Davi got along best with anyone, it’d either be Oron or Deja. That brings me up to Deja. Davi’s animalistic tendencies know when there is danger in when there's not, and with Deja, he senses that and he senses the fighting ability of Deja, the potential. He knows this would be a tough fight if they were to get into it. He knows how deadly she is. So with that I think he actually gets along with her the best because for one, they were both caught at the same time, they’re both not originally a part of this group.

That’s true…

So he feels that both being from separate nations, and not even really being a part of this journey about restoring everything, he gets along with her the best. As for Daisy... she’s part of the Brotherhood now right?

Yeah, by the end of the season she is.

Yeah, she’s like the most worthless thing on the planet to him. Because Davi judges everything based on survival skills right? Daisy has shown that the best she can do is fire a bow and arrow. She needs a lot of help, and she asks Fox to teach her to not be that. But all Davi sees is just like a weak little puppy and not so much in the cute sense. It's almost like “if I leave you alone you're probably going to die.”

More like the helpless sense.

Yeah… So that’s how he relates to everybody.

Kind of along those same lines, I'm glad you brought that up, because this last question here that I had for you was one of the most striking conversations that Davi had with the Brotherhood, and even at the live premiere you could hear the audience reacting to it, was when he talks about how the love between Daisy and Fox is wrong. Davi sees things as very, like, “it’s for survival” and all of that sort of stuff. By the end of season three, having seen everything that they’ve gone through together and the love that they share and that they truly have for each other, do you think Davi still holds to that belief, or do you think he’s maybe starting to come around?

I think he still holds on to it because he wants to hold on to every bit of Hacradia that he has left. But I do see him coming around and starting to accept it. I don’t think he sees it as “it’s ok for everybody,” but in this specific situation with Fox and Daisy, maybe just this relationship is ok.

Maybe, just maybe, right? Alright so I have a few little quick hypotheticals for you, putting Davi in these interesting situations. So the first one that I’ve been kind of thinking about it was what do you think Davi would have done if he never met Fox and the Brotherhood? Do you think he would’ve remained in Hacradia or eventually maybe wandered off on his own anyway?

Well, he would’ve remained with his people, just because he’s so gung-ho about being a savior to his people. But he would’ve definitely done it differently. If he had the opportunity to keep growing with his unit leader, who knows how strong he could’ve been with all that formal training and support from his homeland. And I think eventually he would have, whether he was prepared or not, he would have wanted to take on Rath himself.

Oh wow! So you think he would’ve eventually found his way to Rath just because of all that anger he has?


Alright, well I wanted to leave some time here to devote to this big announcement that we have for you. So if you want to go ahead, I won’t steal that thunder from you, then I definitely have a few questions about that, but if you want to tell our readers here, we have a little scoop, a little exclusive here! So what do you want to tell them about your next big project?

So I’ve had the opportunity to talk with Monroe about the future of SkySoft, and 365 was a very beautifully done project, and I thought “I want to do the next one.” So originally, it just started with me talking to Hunter about Joshua Garreth, and I think I want to be Joshua Garreth for the next one. But then, the more we talked about it, we just kept taking it a step farther, and it ended up with me saying “OK, I want to write Season Two of 365.” So that’s in the works right now!

Wow, that’s pretty wild!

Yeah, it’s going to be a fun journey. It’s already proven to be really stressful as it is! So I got the green light from Monroe and it’ll be in the works for 2019.

Nice! So if you don’t mind then, kind of along those lines, I have a few little questions about tha whole process of it, because it’s definitely something that’s very interesting to me. So my first question is, because a lot of people don’t know about this part of the process, but what was it like to pitch this next season? You know this whole show was initially created by Monroe, it still uses her characters. I know personally, when I first heard you guys talking about it, I was a little worried that it might almost seem like you were trying to take this from her. Obviously that’s not what you wanted to do, but I’m sure that was maybe a thought in the back of your head as you were pitching this. So what was it like to pitch it? How were you feeling throughout this whole pitching process?

Oh God, it was frightening! It was really difficult to pitch this idea to carry on 365. I definitely want Monroe to be a huge part of it because it is her project, it is her production company, it’s everything! This is her life! I need to make sure that I do it right, so I’ve asked her to play a large role in producing it, directing it, and filming it even. The other side of it, though, is I had a lot of confidence pitching myself out there, because I believe that I do have good ideas and that there is a lot to build off of Season One, that there is a lot to keep it similar, but not the same, you know? So I wouldn’t be taking it from her, I’d be helping grow it really, that’s the goal.

With her blessing.

Yeah exactly, with her blessing. The way that you kind of separate the idea of taking it from her versus helping it grow is you just have to check your intentions. So the more I thought about it, the more I thought, “There’s a lot that needs to be told here, there’s a lot that needs to be done.” You know, they talk about Joshua Garreth the entire season, about how they hate him so much. So I thought, “Man, why do they hate him so much?” That would be such an interesting story to dive into the kind of rivalry that is there between the new school and the old school. During the pitch meeting, we talked about that a lot, and there is a lot of work that needs to be done. So I’m definitely going to be looking to her for a lot of the help.

So how is your take on 365 going to add to the universe that’s already been created for these characters that we’ve come to know?

Well, I think that 365 did such a good job at humanizing these celebrities and showing us how they go through these struggles and have these trials and tribulations that a lot of us have, maybe on a much grander scale because they are superstars, you know? My idea for Season Two is going to be showing that kind of personal relationship that Joshua has with everyone, really. I think that there’s going to be a lot of moments where he questions himself, he questions if what he’s doing is right, and that’s a question that I ask myself almost every day- especially with acting and writing. So a little bit of insight about me is; I thought about going to physical therapy school. I thought about going to graduate programs. I actually got accepted to San Jose State’s Masters in Athletic Training Program, but I turned it down. There are all these things. I even had an interview for this physiotherapy school out in Australia, and I ended up not confirming because I told myself at the last second, “This is not actually what I want.” So you’re going to see a lot of those moments where Joshua is like, “I want it so bad” and “What is my real passion?” So that’s going to be a large role in it. And you’re going to get to meet his family too, which I think everybody needs to see, because it’s so important to remember that everybody is somebody’s little boy or everyone is someone’s little girl, or what have you. They have these relationships. In other people’s eyes, these people that you can hate and you just despise and don’t like, they have a whole other side of them where people do like the-, people love them! They’re their son, or their father, or uncle or aunt or whatever. So I think when you see people in that light, it’s a lot harder to dislike them.

So then it’s pretty much adding to this universe by kind of expanding on this theme of humanizing people that we don’t usually get to see that side of.

Yeah, people that seem like they’re out of reach.

365 ©SkySoft Entertainment

So, have you ever directed or written before for TV?

You know, I’ve dabbled in the writing process. It’s nothing big. I’ve written this script for this short little sketch that I wanted to do with my acting class, but I realized that getting everybody together on the same project- or getting everyone’s availability for the same day, is impossible! With this one, I’m trying to keep all that in mind, where this is going to be my first project that I write and it’s going to be an experience. It’s going to be my pioneering journey!

And you know, kind of speaking along those lines, and you kind of touched on it a little bit, but what is it about 365 that made it want to be the show that you want to make your writing debut on?

Well, I love The Office and I love Parks and Rec, and 365 is kind of like a window of opportunity to where I could kind of see its similarities between those shows. It’s a mockumentary- it’s something where you can see into the lives of these everyday people. And ever since I started acting, I was like, “Oh I would love to be like a pop star or something,” some kind of public figure in music or something. And I saw this as an opportunity and I saw this show as something that was loved by a lot of people.

So I think we’ve already kind of touch on this a little bit, but if you want to expand a little bit more, just to give you an opportunity to do so, what makes your take on the story, at least on this next upcoming season, what makes it special and makes it stand out from everything that we’ve seen so far from 365, from this first season?

What makes it stand out? I think the thing that’s going to make it stand out is the story itself. It’s going to be the other side of the coin. Gwendolyn Fay is aging, she’s losing her throne to this next up-and-coming star but what she doesn’t realize is that she’s created such a legacy, such a mountain to overcome, that Joshua almost feels discouraged every time he thinks about Gwendolyn Fay. He sees what he was to do in order to be the greatest musician of all time.

Of all time, wow! But I mean if you’re going to dethrone Gwendolyn Fay, you kind of have to be the best of all time!

Oh gosh yeah! Gwendolyn Fay is Josh’s Mt. Everest.

So, you had kind of mentioned it earlier, but 365 is an anthology series in which each season takes place within the same year. So why did you decide to keep your story about the music industry, as opposed to something completely different within the same year?

Well one is I just saw an opportunity to play Joshua Garreth. Remember, when I was thinking of pitching it, I just wanted to pitch myself as Josh, I was fine with whoever was going to write it. But then the more I thought about this character, the more I thought, “Man there’s this whole entire life that needs to be covered.” I thought it was pretty funny how everybody hated him. But you need to remember he has his own side of the story.

Alright, one final question here. At least for me, I’m sure for you as well, but one of the cool features of season one of 365 was that Monroe actually sang all of these Gwendolyn Fay songs; that is her voice that you’re hearing. So I guess it kind of leads to the question: will you be singing some original songs for this upcoming season?

We’ll find out!


Written by Daniel Andrade 
Photographed by Monroe Hayden

You can watch Kealoha play Davi on Season 3 of Fox returning from the SkySoft Vault on November 19, 2018, listen to an exclusive podcast interview on SkyWire's Beyond the Page with Daniel Andrade on November 18th.

Fox: Season IV premieres August 26, 2019
365: Joshua Garreth premieres November 2019

You can follow Kealoha on Instagram @kingaloha and on Twitter @kinggalohaa


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