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Fox: The Final Season Report

With news about Fox spin-offs gathering pace — including the title of the prequel, Eve — more details about the show’s final season have been revealed. For SkyWire‘s latest cover story, which also featured official images from the show, the publication was allowed access to the show’s set and cast, giving hints at what to expect from season 4.

There is a whole new setting for the final season, as well as new character, Anu. Elsewhere, the article reveals other loose details about the plot: “Season 4 opens at Viscardia with the darkest episodes the show has ever delivered,” production manager, Rachel Keagan explains. "In addition, this season also contains the longest episodes the show has ever shown making the season the longest yet."

As of now, the show is scheduled for a 5-month grueling shoot mostly in the snow, which doesn't make many cast members happy. "It's cold and wet. I hate it," Monroe Hayden revealed. "But it adds a sort of magic on screen that we weren't able to show in previous seasons." The cast and crew aren't really phased with working 5-months out of the year since last season took 7 months. "When we all found out it'd be 5, we were like, "Oh. Really?" adds Keagan.

The series will end on August 26th with a run of 13 episodes, which will see Fox of Auxdra and The Brotherhood battling against Rath and his Demon Army in a desperate bid for Gan Adan's survival. Battles will be won and lost, heroes will be killed, and it's all going to be very epic, but, of course, no one really knows too much about what's going to happen. Not even the cast. Not even us, SkyWire, who is a branch of SkySoft Entertainment.

The level of secrecy is impressive this time around as the future of SkySoft's actors rely heavily on their ability to follow instructions to the 'T'. While obviously there aren't any spoilers and SkySoft are still keeping things as tight as possible, this does mark the biggest promotional push yet for the upcoming season. And at this stage, with so many unknowns, whatever tidbits we can get our hands on are as precious as the Drothka itself.

Since the finale of season 3, Fox was stabbed through and through by Rath and was consequently given Dramon by the Brotherhood, specifically Deja and Daisy, in an attempt to save her life. After a few minutes of the world freaking out, the Chosen One opened her eyes that were very White Walkerish. And now, a year later, Fox is still on the dark poison. The Brotherhood are now hunting Fox to bring her back to the light and perhaps you can guess how difficult that will be since she, at the time of the finale has 4 of the 5 Ganadan abilities. It was revealed in the finale to Fox that Rath and Merila had a son which means she has a half brother out there somewhere who has been taking Dramon since birth! Who said Fox wasn't a family show?

Since Merila switched sides to join her daughter, it was only as predictable as can be that Rath would need someone else by his side to destroy the prophet who threatens his reign. But Anu isn't the only newest character to join the series, a new member will join the Brotherhood to help Fox bring Rath down. The final season features almost all the characters back from season 3- all but those who reside in Fortmount now that Daisy Peterson, played by Jade Vourkari, decided to stay Gan Adan after all.

Table reads get more and more emotional as actors discover the season's plot as it becomes more and more revealed with each episode. "It’s an incredibly emotional, haunting, bittersweet final season but I don’t think everyone is going to be completely satisfied with it. If we want to be as realistic as we can, some plots are going to be unfulfilling and seem a bit unfair. In a way, that’s life but this is the absolute end for this particular series and that comes with certain responsibilities; we have to wrap everything up.”

Speaking as fans of the show... we aren't ready yet.


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