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Review: Long Shot

© Point Grey Pictures

By: Daniel Andrade

Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen are two celebrities you wouldn’t expect to see in the same movie, let alone as love interests for each other. One is an Academy Award winning actress often known for her elegance and sophistication. The other is a notorious stoner with an oddly annoying yet infectious laugh. But somehow, Long Shot makes this seemingly impossible love story work, and has you laughing throughout its entire run time.

            Long Shot tells the story of the ambitious Charlotte Field (portrayed by Theron), Secretary of State for the United States with plans to become the first female President, and Fred Flarsky (portrayed by Rogen), an investigative reporter who isn’t afraid to speak his mind, for better and for worse. They are from two totally different worlds, but are connected to each other through their past, since they actually went to high school together, and Charlotte was Fred’s first crush. When they happen to run into each other at a swanky event and discover their shared past, Charlotte takes Fred on as her speechwriter, and from this foundation, an unbelievable love story is born.

There was a theory going around a while back that asking a certain 36 questions to a complete stranger will lead you to fall in love with them. They start off simple enough (what is a “perfect” day for you?), but eventually get much more personal and emotional (when did you last cry in front of someone?). The theory is that getting intimate and vulnerable with a person, and doing it one-on-one and getting this person’s full attention, leads to this establishment of trust and comfort. You can definitely see this in action in the movie. In order for Flarsky to write more convincing and impactful speeches for Ford, he starts asking her a bunch of questions to try to get to know her better. Similarly, the questions start off simple enough, but quickly delve into the intimate and personal. Indeed, the driving force behind this film is the strangely incredible chemistry shared between Theron and Rogen. Rogen is able to class it up a bit while still maintaining his trademark sense of humor, while Theron is able to let loose and silly while still maintaining her grace. And it’s wonderful to watch this relationship slowly grow and develop, and you genuinely want it to work out for the both of them, because they both deserve that kind of love, for one reason or another.

But this is a rom com, so how is the “com” portion? I’m happy to say this is certainly one of the funnier movies I’ve seen in a long while. Rogen is of-course hilarious, but I was very pleasantly surprised with Theron’s comedic abilities. They genuinely have some funny and charming moments together, particularly some funny moments in a nightclub that I know you all will enjoy! But I would be remiss if I didn’t talk about the excellent supporting cast as well. O’Shea Jackson Jr. is hilarious and oddly empowering as Fred’s best friend Lance, with witty one-liners but also inspiring words of wisdom for Fred scattered perfectly throughout the film. Bob Odenkirk plays a brilliant parody of our current President, a man obsessed with TV and clueless as how to actually be Commander in Chief. It’s funny, but also sad in a way because it’s actually not too far from reality. June Diane Raphael and Ravi Patel play Charlotte’s campaign managers and assistants, constantly looking for ways to boost her image and gain her poll points. Alexander Skarsgard plays the charming yet goofy Canadian Prime Minister constantly pining for Charlotte, to mixed results. Finally, we have master of disguise Andy Serkis playing a parody of Rupert Murdoch, an insufferable TV mogul trying to monopolize the news stations. With other short but memorable performances by other comedic notables like Randall Park, Lisa Kudrow, Paul Scheer, Kurt Braunohler, and Claudia O’Doherty, there is no shortage of good belly laughs to be had here.

As you probably gathered by my use of the word parody multiple times above, there’s also a bit of political satire going on this movie. It’s not overwhelming, and doesn’t detract from the main romantic comedy, but it is enough to poke fun at our current state of political affairs while also providing a good message. While there will certainly be incompetent, powerful people who will try to get in the way of social progress and will try to either silence or drown out these progressive voices, it doesn’t mean that message can’t still be shared with the public. It may require breaking social norms and shocking some people, but it can still happen. We also need to be better about not making quick assumptions about others either, simply due to their political affiliation. While it may be easy to do so, it may prevent you from hearing an often times much-needed change of perspective. Like I said, this movie doesn’t beat you over the head with this more political message, it’s just an interesting little addition to the overall story.

CONCLUSION: Long Shot is a hilarious, heartwarming, charming movie that will make you laugh and maybe even cry a little. The chemistry shared between Theron and Rogen is delightful to watch unfold and grow, and truly brings out the best in both of these actors. With an incredible supporting cast around them as well, this movie is certainly worth your time and attention.

SCORE: 4/5


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