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Beast: What We Know So Far


by Daniel Andrade

During SkySoft Fest, we learned some intriguing new details about SkySoft Premium’s first show Beast. In case you missed the interview with Bryon Allen and the panel with Monroe Hayden and Daniel Andrade, here are some of the big things you may have missed.

This is NOT the Beast you know from Disney

Bryon revealed his love for the character of Beast from Disney’s classic (and Oscar-nominated!) animated version, which is why he was so excited to be offered this role. It’s easy to see why Beast was one of his favorite characters: Disney did a great job of showing us a serious and sometimes scary Beast, but also provided a few peeks at the lonely and scared Prince deep within that still had some humanity in him. One of the things that Bryon is intrigued by, however, is how SkySoft’s Beast is very different from the one most of us are familiar with. Without giving away too much information, he told us how we get a much deeper insight into who Beast was before his transformation, the journey of self-reflection and self-discovery that he makes in his years as the Beast, and how finding love changes him in more ways than one.

Beast is based on real-life people and places

Additionally, Monroe revealed that Beast is based on a real-life character, his namesake Abubakri. Monroe worked very hard and did a lot of research to make sure this story was as realistic as possible. All of the locations that are mentioned in the series are as accurate as possible to the time period. All of the characters have backstories and backgrounds that also fit with the era. This adds another impressive layer to the story that makes it feel that much more genuine and authentic, and again distinguishes it from the Disney version.

The show will be rated TV-MA

Another significant factor that differentiates this story from other iterations of Beauty and the Beast is its rating. Monroe noted that this rating does not mean the show will be explicit or overly graphic but will include adult content that might not be appropriate for young kids. With this rating, SkySoft will be able to tell a much more impactful and emotional story than couldn't be done with a more family-friendly rating, particularly when it comes to the challenges that come from essentially losing your humanity. 

Bella is not the Beauty you’re familiar with either

Monroe talked a bit about her role in the upcoming series as well. She will be portraying the Beauty of this story, a feisty young lady named Bella. Monroe described Bella as a woman ahead of her time, with a fiercely independent spirit, and a fearlessness to speak up when she feels something is not right. This not only makes for some fun interactions between her and Beast but also serves to provide an empowering role model for women as well. But her fiery personality is also beautifully balanced by her faith, which shows a softer and more vulnerable side of her. Both Bella and Beast’s religions are respectfully portrayed, adding a sense of magic and wonder to the story.

There will be a new character we think you’re going to love

Finally, Daniel talked about his character, a new character that hasn’t been seen in any version of this classic story. He will be playing Ludovic, a blind French man who meets Beast at a critical point in both of their lives. Daniel talked about how although Ludovic has lost so much in his life, the one thing he never lost was hope. While some may say Beast needed Ludovic, Daniel believes Ludovic needed Beast just as much. Together, they both are reminded of not only what it takes to be a good man, but what it takes to be a good human being. Daniel particularly appreciates how the genuine platonic love between Beast and Ludovic is portrayed since it’s rare to see that on-screen. He’s excited to watch their “bromance” unfold on screen.

Be prepared for a fascinating new take on the classic fairy tale! SkySoft Premium’s Beast will finally tell the untold tale of the iconic character in a way that both stays true to the original story while also adding some of that SkySoft magic you’ve come to expect. Stay tuned to SkyWire Digital for any updates as they become available!


Anonymous said…
Very excited for this one!

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