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Zack Snyder's Justice League: Movie Review

(Image Courtesy of HBO Max)

By Kevin Miller

SPOILER FREE - As a superhero fan, the original theatrical cut was something I was excited for but unfortunately it didn’t meet my expectations. I did give it the good ol’ college try. In fact, I think I tried too hard to like it but just couldn’t. So once rumors started circulating that a mysterious Snyder cut was in the realm of possibilities, I was definitely hopeful but not holding my breath.

I have a love/hate relationship with Zack Snyder’s films. Despite the majority of my male friends loving (and I mean LOVING) 300, I hated it. I hated the color grading, the overused slow-motion bits and the toxic imagery of what it meant to be a real “man”. Of course, I’m a skinny guy who wears glasses and lives vicariously through graphic novels and video games but I also wasn’t a big fan of Sucker Punch for similar reasons. I could go on but I have another review to write after this.

(Image Courtesy of HBO Max)

Although those reasons are also the same reasons many others don’t like Snyder’s films, there are some I do love. Man of Steel? Yes! Dawn of the Dead? Yes and yes! Batman v Superman: Ultimate Edition? Yes, yes and yes! Watchmen? Umm… yes! So I’m not a Snyder hating maniac but I do have my reservations regarding his work, however, there was one thing I wasn’t too worried about: no way can his version of Justice League be worse than the theatrical cut.

In my attempt to not spoil this mega-movie, I will simply say and then elaborate later on that his version was not worse. As a superhero fan, I loved this! It wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be but it definitely hit every beat. There’s so much to talk about and so much that can easily be missed so I won’t delve into any details- especially since this is meant to be a spoiler-free review but despite my nerdy expectations being met, there are also some downsides to the 4-hour epic. Let’s get into a brief pro’s and con’s bit before wrapping this bad boy up!

(Image Courtesy of HBO Max)


So that we end on a positive note, I thought I’d start with the cons. First-off, it’s a long movie and it definitely feels like a long movie! This is where Snyder’s trademark of overusing slow motion did not help make the experience feel like it flew by. Yet even though 10% of the film is in slow motion, ironically there were parts where it felt like it moved too fast! There was also a lack of character development with Darkseid, the ultimate villain and a lack of social reflection that Snyder's past films share, including the ones I hate. One last thing, and this is just my opinion, but Batman didn’t really do as much as I would have wanted him to. I understand he’s human and he did have some cool moments here and there but ultimately, I wished there were more fun action scenes with him.


There’s an actual story to this version! The characters are more fleshed out due to its extra runtime. Characters like Victor Stone (Cyborg) are so important and relevant that he becomes the heart of the story. Barry Allen (The Flash), actually does some really cool ‘Barry Allen’ things that are essential to the overall plot and future plots. The special effects are a lot better but that can be argued whether it's due to it being made years later or having a bit more time to work on the special effects than its predecessor. No more weird Superman lip! The emotional  beats are hit with, as I said prior, Victor Stone, Barry Allen but also with Clark Kent and Lois Lane. The film may be long but it’s a small price to pay. What does help with its runtime is its separation in parts so if you’re streaming it, you can stop and return to it later. If you watched, or are planning to watch, it in a theater the film has an intermission. So the film knows it's long and gives you options to watch it comfortably. 

(Image Courtesy of HBO Max)

Overall, the film is an epic experience that deserves recognition for artistic integrity. It’s darker and more serious tone is one that many DC fans would appreciate. I don’t believe I’ve seen any live-action superhero film quite like this. Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a must-see in every way! When you decide to see it is up to you.

Overall Score: 8.6/10 = 86% (B)

Save the day with Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max.


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